Information in English

Photo: Rita Sirirud Vatnehol

The bunad is now inscribed!

Today, December 5, 2024, the use of the bunad in Norway was inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity!

Surrounded by a vibrant community of representatives from all corners of the world, the bunad took center stage as the announcement was made today at UNESCO's 19th international meeting for the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed with input, expertise, experience, and dedication!

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The living tradition of using bunads in Norway is unique and significant,

but it is also threatened, because the knowledge and practice of traditional Norwegian handcrafts and techniques are gradually diminishing.

Young girl in landingsdrakt trying to take a photo with one of her guests on her own confirmation day. Boy in sunnmørsbunad.
Photo: Svein Are Sirirud Vatnehol

In an effort to preserve and strengthen the traditions of the bunad, five non-governmental organizations in Norway have banded together to nominate the bunad for Intangible Cultural Heritage status through UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. To assist us in this effort, we are calling upon the people of Norway to spread information, participate in discussions and submit statements of support.

People in Norway use bunads—the country’s regional traditional folk costumes—regardless of age, gender, geography or social status. The bunad is most widely used on Norway’s Constitution Day, May 17. But many people also don the costume for celebratory occasions such as Christmas, weddings, baptisms and anniversaries. Most Norwegians hold a strong connection to cultural identity, and the bunad is a central element of our heritage.

Both the use of bunads and the strong connection people have to them are reasons why we are calling attention to the unique tradition of bunads in Norway. By inscribing the use of bunads in Norway on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, we are demonstrating to the international community and Norwegian authorities that this invaluable, centuries-old tradition of ours is worth saving and safekeeping into the future.

The bunad is not “just a pretty dress or suit", but a garment made by hand using traditional techniques and materials. Each of the more than 200 bunad designs represents a particular tradition and/or a particular geographical area in Norway. Most people wear the bunad of the region where they live or the region of their ancestry. Many have inherited a bunad from an older family member, but many also wear a bunad made specifically for them, often received as a gift upon confirmation, most typically at age 14.

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Who we are;

We are five non-governmental organizations in Norway that are collaborating to nominate the bunad for intangible cultural heritage status. All organizations have interest in cultural activities and handcrafts. The five organizations are, Norwegian Youth Association , Norwegian Folk Arts and Crafts Association , Norsk Folkedraktforum, Norwegian Institute of Bunad and Folk Costume, and Association for Studies of Culture and Traditions.

Having fun on the National Day.
Photo: Robert Landsem

The people’s nomination

It is important to note that in addition to our work, we are dependent on the voices of the people of Norway to gather information and to demonstrate to UNESCO that the bunad is worthy of an evaluation. This application will, therefore, be the people’s nomination.

Intangible cultural heritage can be oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals and knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.

You can read more about intangible culture on UNESCO’s pages or on the webpage of the Arts Council in Norway.

To learn more about UNESCO in Norway, and its work with Norwegian cultural heritage, go to their website.

How does this work?

Nominations for Intangible Cultural Heritage must be made by the Norwegian government’s Ministry of Culture. But before a nomination can be made, a significant amount of work and collection of information must take place.

The five collaborating organizations are working together toward nominating the bunad. In addition, we have developed three educational and informational activities directed towards children and young adults in order to spread information and awareness to secure preservation of our bunad culture.

Our five steps towards inscription:

1) Collect information through dialogue meetings around Norway.

2) Write the application based on information gathered in meetings, other information and statistics.

3) The Ministry of Culture evaluates the application. They might demand changes before the application is approved.

4) Send the application to UNESCO. It might take two years before the committee evaluates the application.

5) Approval? We are hoping that our application will be approved and that the bunad will be inscribed in 2023, but this depends on when the Ministry of Culture sends the application.